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The War Has Begun…

I registered an additional domain name for my upcoming company. Once I know registration is complete, I’ll post the name here.

UPDATE: The name is going to be BartowBlogs!

Bartow Blogs

The idea is to provide a myspace-like blog network for the local area. It’ll provide:

  • A blog with a custom built CMS (Content Management System – similiar to WordPress’s & MySpaces account/profile editor)
  • Lot’s of nice templates
  • The option of having your own custom template
  • eMail
  • Newsletter – I can’t imagine many people would need this, but it’s a nice feature for businesses that want to keep in touch with their customers (e.g. Doctors, Gyms, Chiropractors…)
  • No Ads!

To sum it all up, if MySpace is the Walmart of social networks, I want my company to be the Target of social networks….except, targeted to a local community.

I’m also open to any ideas for features that people would want to see in a service such as this.

Currently, I’m looking at either building my own server or purchasing an HP server (probably an HP Proliant 380 – a rack-mountable server). From the reviews I’ve read, HP seems to be one of the better companies out there. Some people also recommend Dell, although there have been some reports of quality issues with their products.

Either way, I’ll also need to eventually purchase a rack cabinet to hold everything together so it’s not a sprawl of servers and network cables.

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  • Tim


    Author Reply

    I wish you fair winds and following sea’s. There is always room for competition.

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